Nissan Century Securities deploys Orc Execution Bricks to expand direct market access business in Japan
Orc, the global market leader in electronic trading technology for listed derivatives, today announced that Nissan Century Securities (Nissan) has implemented an Orc Execution Bricks solution to meet the growing demand for high performance connectivity to the Japan Exchange Group (JPX).
Nissan Century Securities is one of the top financial securities firms in Japan, engaging in financial brokerage business. The Execution Bricks solution enables clients of both Orc and Nissan to trade derivatives on the JPX via Nissan’s membership. This joint offering not only ensures quality market access but also regulatory compliance through the use of Orc Flow Control, Orc’s award winning pre-trade risk management tools.
“We are pleased to leverage Orc’s electronic execution solutions to provide a solid direct market access option which facilitates the trading needs of our mutual clients for not only Japan but also other global markets,” said Lee Nguyen, Vice President of Global Sales, Nissan Century Securities. “The richness of Orc’s out-of-the-box risk layer also meets our internal compliance needs, reinforcing our ability to capture new international buy-side client business with confidence.”
“Our cooperation with Nissan Century Securities expands the market access options available to Orc clients,” said Greg Chambers, President, Orc Group. “Orc’s proven track record in providing world leading trading risk management and electronic execution technology is the key behind the continued up take of the Orc Execution Bricks platform in the region. We look forward to developing the relationship with Nissan in order to service the needs of our global Trading Bricks customers.”
Orc’s Execution Bricks platform combines global market access to over 150 exchanges, brokers and alternative liquidity pools with the execution tools needed to manage, control and execute high volume, latency sensitive customer order flow. By consolidating market access to Orc, clients gain access to global markets efficiently while extending the reach of their trading infrastructure. Orc’s pre-trade risk capabilities enable firms to stay compliant and in control without sacrificing latency or functionality.
About Nissan Century Securities Nissan Century Securities Co., Ltd. (www.nc-sec.co.jp/english) - is one of the top derivatives brokers in Japan, offering premium clearing, execution, and brokerage services across a wide array of financial products in Japanese and global markets. Specializing in providing flexible yet precise solutions for clients' trading needs, Nissan Century Securities is uniquely positioned as the only Japanese brokerage firm with clearing memberships to Tokyo Stock Exchange (JPX/TSE), Osaka Exchange (JPX/OSE), Tokyo Financial Exchange (TFX), Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM), and Osaka Dojima Commodity Exchange, as well as a non-clearing membership to EUREX.