
Mitek's on a Roll!

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Projects allow you to export Registered Vendor details and survey responses for analysis outside of Marsh CND. Please refer to the Marsh CND User Guide for detailed instructions.
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  • Bob, I think your last sentence is key. FIs need to focus on investments in mobile banking that enable them "to delight their mobile customer base". It's not that RDC is ever going to be insanely popular (checks are becoming rarer as you pointed out). The value of RDC and other cool and innovative mobile technologies is that they are useful and interesting to the younger generations of consumers who are likely to adopt them. FIs that provide a delightful experience to their younger customers will be well positioned as the trusted bank for those consumers over the rest of their lifetime. My colleague wrote a fascinating blog post on how improving satisfaction will lead to increased loyalty and revenue which you may find interesting. Here is the link: http://www.zootweb.com/blog/index.php/myth-reality-great-customer-service-creates-loyalty-revenue/362/