
Is the death of the Insurance CIO possibly around the corner?

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  • Good post. I agree but the commoditisation of IT still has a long way to go but the cloud is offering many new IT models to businesses - large and small. If the CIO has to do one thing it is protect the company data and over many years they have done this pretty well through a series of people, process and technology controls - secure data centres, firewalls, segregation of duties, levels of application controls, etc....it is a very long list! However, because of Web 2.0 and the explosion of social media (corporate and personal), the CIO is now no longer in control of the corporate data vault. A huge amount of data on companies (both good and bad) is now circulating around on social media sites where the CIO has no control. This, I think, is a bigger threat.

  • Anthony,
    Those are great points and certainly an area we will spend more time in as web2.0 matures.

  • As on date, a lot of activities which the CIO purviews are outsourced in some form or the other. Given the technology complexity and heterogenity of skills required, it is difficult to run a self-sufficient IT department in an user organisation. Cloud computing only provides another model of sourcing IT services. A lay user is transparent to whether his services come from within the organisation or outside - he only knows that the CIO is responsible for satisfying IT based needs. Similarly, the top management expectations from the CIO do not change because of availability of a new model of working. As regards the skills demanded of a CIO, the same has been changing over the past 20 years and will continue to do so.

  • [...] are that Cloud Computing might be the roadmap to the future, but a recent posting on the Celent blog suggests that it might be a dead end street for some [...]