
Agile in a Waterfall World: Mastering the Scrum, Wealth Management Edition

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3 August 2017

Key research questions

  • How do the waterfall and agile methodologies compare?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of agile and waterfall for project development?
  • What can be learned from successful agile implementations?


How do agile frameworks differ from waterfall implementations? Can the two transformations coexist?

This report looks at the implementation steps required for both types of transformations so that wealth managers can determine which is the right approach for them.

Today’s wealth manager needs to improve time to market, adopt new technologies, and adopt digital best practices to face market competition. These goals are exacerbated by a complex application landscape and infrastructure with, many times, multiple legacy systems.

This report provides an overview of the waterfall and agile project methodologies, compares and contrasts waterfall and agile project delivery approaches detailing advantages and disadvantages for both, and presents the implementation approach across the wealth management vendor landscape, as well as a case study of a successful project that utilized the agile methodology.