
Breakthrough AI-nnovation in Cash Management: Prediction to Prescription

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15 December 2023

Showcase of Bank and Tech Provider Frontrunners


It’s 2030. Drop-downs and clicks are no longer the primary modus operandi. Corporations are interacting with their banks via smartbots, accessing data and financial analysis, responding to alerts, reviewing recommendations, and taking actions. Instead of forecasts driving decisions, the corporation can influence the forecasts and alter course in receivables, payables, and liquidity. Over half of treasury’s actions are self-driving, that is, automatic.

How will we get to this 2030 vision? In this report, Celent focuses on breakthrough innovation in the area of data analytics and tools that are paving the path to 2030. Today, the starting point for banks and their clients is strong. A plethora of advances are driving progress. Headliners include advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), connectivity and data structure and governance, and broad tech infrastructure modernization. Moreover, bankers are reframing their strategic approach and rethinking their value propositions to focus on delivering financial and operational efficiency and smarter decisions. They are striving ultimately to deliver intelligent, self-driving treasury.

This report showcases Citi, J.P. Morgan, PNC, HighRadius, Tesorio, TIS, and iGTB.