Executing on Innovation: Moving From Labs to Practice
Innovation leaders in financial services have invested in process and technology to identify ideas and to initially test them. However, creating pull from business areas and transferring what works in the lab to the front line continues to be a challenge. Building on the success of our Innovation Roundtables held throughout the year, we are announcing our final 2014 session to be held in New York City on November 20.
This exclusive, invitation-only event will involve senior leaders from banking and insurance firms. This four-hour interactive session is a peer-to-peer discussion between innovation leaders, facilitated by Celent analysts and supplemented by Celent research. Additionally, Mick Simonelli, previously the Chief Innovation Officer at USAA, will discuss his experiences implementing multiple innovative initiatives in a Fortune 50 insurance and banking operation. Participants will have the opportunity to shape the agenda before they attend, ensuring that the topics will be central to current challenges. They will be able to exchange views with senior level peers on how to increase innovation capability within financial services organizations. The topics will focus on practical implementation and direct experience. Areas that will be covered in the discussion include:
- What has been done to improve integration into business areas for projects which pass initial prototyping/piloting?
- Have any organizational structures proven to engage the business areas better than others?
- What H.R. activities support innovation? How have performance management processes, incentives and rewards, job descriptions been modified to encourage innovative behavior?
The Roundtable will be followed by a networking cocktail hour to allow participants to continue their discussions and to connect on a more informal level with industry peers.