Celent Insurance Webinar: Insurance in Asia-Pacific 2015: The CIO Perspective
Digital transformation, business process automation, and mobile-related innovation are the hot topics among APAC insurance CIOs.
In the webinar, based on a recently published report of the same name, Celent analyst KyongSun Kong reviews business priorities, IT initiatives and spending, and other IT topics in the Asia-Pacific insurance industry. Trends discussed in this report reflect Celent’s experience of the market based on a survey of CIOs taken from the end of 2014 to early 2015 in addition to ongoing discussions with the industry.
Survey questions covered business and IT priorities for 2015 as well as details around budgets, IT projects, digitization, system transformations, and innovation. Key questions to be answered in the webinar include:
1. How much did insurance companies in Asia-Pacific spend on IT in 2014, expressed as a percentage of direct written premium?
2. What is the planned level of activity for digital initiatives for insurance companies in Asia-Pacific?
3. How would insurance companies in Asia-Pacific characterize the allocation of effort within their organizations between disruptive and incremental innovations?
This event is free to attend for clients, flex plan clients, and members of the media. Non-clients can attend for a fee of $250. Please contact Marie Aquino at maquino@celent.com with any questions.