17 - 19 June 2015
Austin, Texas
The Annual America's Claims Event is one of the ONLY industry event where senior managers, practitioners and experts involved with claims operations can get the insight they need to implement effective and tactical strategies for their claims handling process. More than 400 professionals and decision-makers from mid-size to large Fortune 500 companies attend the event to engage in idea exchange and peer to peer learning.
Attendees gain deep insight from the experts and obtain unparalleled access to proven solutions to manage their operational challenges.
Topics and Themes for 2015 include:
- Achieve Claims Efficiency with Superior Data Management and Analytics
- Enhance Customer Satisfaction with Improved Customer Service Strategies
- Understand Technological Disruptors in Insurance that Affect the Claims Process
- Prepare for Litigation and Subrogation Obstacles
- Navigate New Regulations and Cost Shifting Under the Affordable Care Act
- Develop and Improved Strategy for Handling & Mitigating Catastrophes and Disasters
Event details
Geographic Focus
North America