
Corporate Digital Banking Platform Solutions

VendorMatch Directory

Find corporate digital banking channel solutions in Celent's online VendorMatch platform. Use the research platform to evaluate corporate digital banking channel systems that feature web-based portals; mobile, tablet, host-to-host, and network connectivity; and open banking APIs. The directory also offers analysis and comparison of key capabilities to support corporate digital banking channel needs. Determine which corporate digital banking channel systems are in the market and create short lists of vendor systems for your future buying needs. Find complex lending origination systems and solutions in our vendor directory.
  • Q2’s single platform architecture enables your financial institution to create a unified, relevant, and exceptional experience for every kind an…
  • Candescent Digital Banking serves the financial needs of both consumers and businesses while providing you with the flexibility and control to e…
  • Maticz’s Uniswap Clone Script is a decentralized exchange (DEX) development solution inspired by the functionality of Uniswap. This script allow…
  • Zafin Product & Pricing streamlines the ideation, development, and analysis of a bank's product and pricing propositions. Ensure speed, agility,…
  • This single, cloud-based platform promotes organic growth through a vast library of open APIs, feature-rich functionality and extensive reportin…
  • Oracle’s Digital Banking Platform is a full spectrum and full stack solution that offers ready for business retail, SME, corporate, islamic and…
  • The NETinfo Digital Banking Platform, is an omnichannel engagement hub that empowers financial institutions to achieve digital transformation an…
  • Macrobank Core Banking Software by Advapay Macrobank by Advapay is a front-to-back banking software solution encompassing an engine, API, web an…
  • As part of IC Banking Suite (see attached document), IC Smart Platform, integrates all digital banking channels available for the client. Throug…
  • Architect™ from Fiserv is an open services platform with robust configuration capabilities and a powerful Software Development Kit. With Archite…
  • Oracle Banking Payments is an enterprise payments hub designed to meet requirements of both retail and corporate banking. Built grounds up on IS…
  • BaNCS ADK (App Development Kit) is a solution that involves domain-aware financial widgets that can be deployed in near real-time. The solution…
  • FIS Digital One (tm) is a collection of interactive modules built on one common platform to streamline and innovate banking channels. The soluti…
  • Profile's Finuevo Digital is a pioneering digital banking platform that provides a modern banking experience for both professionals and end-user…
  • Oracle Banking Liquidity Management enables banks to run a single centralized stand-alone liquidity management solution based on contemporary te…
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