Risk and Investment Management Society (RIMS)
Past Events
16 - 18 September 2019 J.W. Marriott, Las Vegas, NV, United States
The Western Regional Conference is the premiere risk management conference leading the field in addressing and combating risk. With industry cha…
13 - 14 November 2018 ITC Grand Central Mumbai, India, India
RIMS Risk Forum 2018 India is the premier risk management event offering valuable interaction with experienced speakers, relevant and practical…
12 - 13 November 2018 Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, United States
Join RIMS in their annual Chicagoland Risk Forum on 12-13 November 2018 in Chicago. Some of the sessions will be covering the following: Emer…
23 - 26 September 2018 St. John's Convention Centre, Canada