SISnet 360 - Policy Administration Systems - P&C / General Insurance
SISnet360 coreinsurance system & platformofferscloud-basedtechnologysolutionsfortheinsuranceindustry, implemented in open, multi-platformsystems, whichenablecompaniestoimprove time-to-market and operationalmanagement in Life, Non-Life and Healthinsurance.
SISnet 360 combines theadvantagesofaninsurancecorewiththeadaptabilityoftailor-madesolutionsthankstoits configurative logicbasedonZero Code, togetherwith a solidinsuranceknowledgeacquired in its 20 yearsofexperience.
SISnet 360 wasfounded in 2003 by ateamofhighlyqualifiedprofessionalswith a multidisciplinaryapproach.
Since 2019 itispartof AVOS Techwiththegoalofbecoming a reference at internationallevel
Key Features
Dual: Platform & product
Boosters such as 1/self service user interphase construction, 2/API Rest, connectivity, 3/Predefined models, 4/Use of AI and 5/other (CRM, ERP, Client Normalization, etc.)
Modular Architecture
Zero Code configuration
Cloud Native - SaaS & Public Cloud
Multiple branches
Multiple languages
Multiple countries
Native BPM - Process Engine
Manage Full Policy Life Cycle
Have a 360 view from the policy holder