
SideDrawer Platform

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The SideDrawer platform includes a consumer facing mobile app, and a dashboard for the Pro, or professional service provider (Estate Lawyer, Advisor, Planner, Accountant).

SideDrawer consumer mobile app

The platform is designed such that a consumer can independently use the mobile app for their personal consumption on a freemium basis. The app is very simple to use and allows an individual to organize their estate for the benefit of their family, loved ones or professional service providers. By incorporating the phone's camera and address book, we offer a streamlined approach to adding records. As an example, a user can add a real estate record, e.g. a vacation property, in under 60 seconds, by giving it a name, selecting a category from a drop down menu, adding a picture of the property, adding an address using a Google Maps integrated address capture, adding a Designate (e.g. spouse, parent, etc) and their Real Estate Agent by using the phone's Address Book.

We have 6 basic tiles that allow a user to track their Wills, Life Insurance, Bank records, Real Estate items, Investments and a Shoebox to capture their miscellaneous assets, such as jewelry, art, etc. Users can also add their professional services providers and other individuals as specific Designates so that their estate is aware of their entire Network and who to contact.

The user has the ability to generate a report that summarizes and incorporates these items which are then shared with whomever the user chooses. The user can also grant permission to a professional service advisor, such as an Estate Lawyer, Advisor, Accountant, etc.

SideDrawerPro dashboard

The SideDrawerPro dashboard allows the professional to access the information entered by the user on the mobile device, which provides a holistic view of the estate, and allows for a more customized level of service an care. Since the Pro has a real time view of the user's estate, and is notified of any changes/updates that occur, the Pro can also utilize SideDrawer to identify additional revenue opportunities. For example, if a user purchases a new vacation property and updates their SideDrawer account, the Pro would be notified and that may trigger the opportunity to review the client's insurance to reflect the additional property. Through the platform, the Pro also has access to all the individuals (Designates and Professionals) associated with the client, which are all additional opportunities for lead generation and professional networking for cross-selling/collaborating opportuniteis.

Key Features

* Camera based means users capture the key information of their important docs rather than typing it in

* Integrated with mobile phone's address book

* iOS and Android mobile apps

* Collaborate with your professional service provider

* We have incorpoated cyber security from the ground up in our application.

Key Benefits

* Streamline record entry - add any estate item in under 60 seconds

* Easy to use means more estate items can be recorded, adding to the completeness of the user's profile and estate

* Save families and individuals the frustration of identifying and locating all the assts they have to deal with

* Professional partners can use SideDrawer for lead generation, professional collaboration/cross-selling, and identifying new revenue opportunities

