
Derivitec Risk Portal

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Projects allow you to export Registered Vendor details and survey responses for analysis outside of Marsh CND. Please refer to the Marsh CND User Guide for detailed instructions.
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The Derivitec Risk Portal is a web application allowing users to upload portfolios and compute risk on them in any way that they choose.

Key Features

  • End of day, derived market data provided as standard
  • All asset classes covered: equity, fx, commodities, credit, fixed income rates
  • Wide range of possible products, from simple exchange traded to complex OTC
  • 24-7 service via our Hong Kong and London offices
  • Reports customisable to your exact specifications
  • Value-at-Risk and standard regulatory reports provided out of the box. VaR computed on a historical basis, with lookback to 2008
  • Wide range of historical scenarios, also customisable to user requirements
  • Integration with Bloomberg and Refinitiv for live and delayed pricing. Integration with IHS Markit for credit and less liquid market data, including APAC single stock option data
  • Service hosted natively in the cloud (AWS), and scaled automatically in response to calculation volume
  • Service accessible through Derivitec APIs, supporting C-sharp, Java, Python, allowing unlimited analysis and report generation flexibility
  • Platform integrated with Eze, Enfusion and Bloomberg via SFTP services

Key Benefits

  • Nothing to install. You can just upload your portfolo and compute risk as required with industry standard models and validated model ready data provided as standard
  • Fully compatible with the world's biggest market data and worflow vendors
  • One-to-one support from tier-1 quants, with over two decades experience of the industry
  • Scaled to your requirements, grown with your growth. We do not compromise on exact reflection of the trade terms, however complex
  • Usable 'out of the box' as a web platform, and integrable with your internal systems and analysis via our APIs. We cater to all levels of your organisation, front to back

