
axe Omnichannel

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axeOmnichannel is the combination of ACP Business Services designed around the four building blocks wACP, MyACP, mACP & pACP. This module offers flexibility and highly configurable features through the lending digitalization journey for each and every bank segment (Retail, Commercial, SME, Corporate, etc.)

Key Features

Lenders opt for our omnichannel solution to benefit from its innovative features :

  • wACP: is the centerpiece of axeOmnichannel including a set of ACP components that offers rich digital business capabilities. These functions may be combined to create complex credit products and packages offered by banks to their customers & partners. These building blocks could be assembled by the bank and used through various channels.
  • myACP: is the customer portal access (mobile & web) to credit products offered by the bank. The bank may opt for myACP’s front-end or chooses to consume its exposed services through its own internet & mobile banking existing portals.
  • mACP: is the mobile application dedicated to bank staff who use ACP’s main functions through their mobile device. mACP is mainly used by relationship managers or approvers.
  • pACP: is a front-end access (mobile & web) offered by the bank to its partners and credit products distributors. The bank may opt for pACP’s front-end or chooses to consume the exposed services through its own portal

Key Benefits

  • Reduce Turn Around Time (TATI)
  • Increase Origination Volume
  • Increase Time to Market
  • Increase Collection Rate
  • Decrease Write-Offs
  • Increase Sealesforce dedication to Business Development