
The Emerging Architecture of the Internet of Things

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2 August 2016


Celent describes the concerns and capabilities related to embedding the Internet of Things into an insurer’s architecture.

Central to the approach is keeping the existing stack of technologies and components that enable the insurer to operate their core business: quote, bind, endorsements, claims, etc. Adjacent to this is a distinct architecture designed to capture and analyse high velocity data.

This architecture enables a mix of real-time and ad hoc analytics to be performed on these data sets. The magic, then, is in the glue between these two architectures, something like the right and left brain of the new insurer.

“In this report, Celent distinguishes three architectures: the classic core system architecture, the sensing architecture to capture sensor data, and the response architecture to communicate with customers,” says Craig Beattie, senior analyst in Celent's Insurance practice and author of the report.

This report examines how to join these architectures and provides a logical view of the relationship between them.