Taiwan Life Insurance’s AI Platform for Claims provides multiple convenient claims delivery channels that address the many issues Taiwanese poli…
Taiwan Life Insurance’s AI Platform for Claims provides multiple convenient claims delivery channels that address the many issues Taiwanese poli…
Some loyal readers may be surprised by my authorship of a blog post. I suppose this my reintroduction to Celent. Prior to mid-2020, I led the Am…
Over the past two weeks, I moderated and presented at the 2021 InsureTech Connect Asia and Finovate Asia conferences. The hive of activities has…
Healthcare is more important than ever, and digital health solutions are enabling personalized health assessment and overall care. Digital healt…
About the Showcase Gen AI is the hottest topic in the industry right now. Insurers are reaching out daily with questions and the need for advice…
About the Showcase Gen AI is the hottest topic in the industry right now.Insurers are reaching out daily with questions and the need for advice…
What is a life policy administration system? What life insurers use them for? What do they think of their components, features and functions? Do…
Without a doubt, the pandemic spurred digital investment and CIOs started spending money on updating old technologies. Celent’s ongoing conversa…
Using data from Celent's biennial North American policy administration solution (PAS) review, Celent drills down on the customer feedback to giv…
Insurers have various approaches to acquire core business functions and capabilities. One approach is to look at relevant policy administration…
This report is the fourth in Celent’s biennial look at group and voluntary policy administration systems (PAS) available to life insurers in Nor…
In this ninth installment of Celent's biennial look at policy administration systems (PAS) available to life insurers in North America, we profi…
Insurers have various approaches to acquire core business functions and capabilities. One approach is to look at relevant policy administration…
Insurers have various approaches to acquire core business functions and capabilities. One approach is to look at relevant policy administration…
Insurers have been modernizing their legacy systems, increasing their presence in cloud, and finding innovative use cases driven by emerging tec…
Are emerging technologies providing cost-effective options to manage closed block policies? In the L&A insurance segment, millions of policies t…
This research will provide an overview of the insurance market and technology trends in Australia and New Zealand. We will provide examples of i…
What is Takaful Insurance? Takaful, often referred to as 'Islamic insurance', is a way for businesses to mitigate the financial risk of unforese…
The global pandemic forced many insurers to accelerate the digitalization of their businesses. This came with a record number of policy administ…