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Connex is one of the most used EFT software solutions in the world – not to mention one of the most powerful, most reliable and most cost-effective. Add the renowned reliability and performance of the IBM z/OS platform and you have a total EFT solution that lets you take on processing with confidence.

Connex was originally designed to drive our own EFT processing business, so it contains everything you need to operate a full-service EFT processing centre within your organisation.

Connex is a comprehensive solution for ATM and POS terminal driving; transaction acquiring; switching and authorisation; interfacing to processors and hosts; linking to all major regional, national and international networks; network monitoring and operational control.

Connex is developed specifically to run on the IBM z/OS mainframe platform. In addition, it leverages IBM’s Parallel Sysplex technology to provide the ability to run an activeactive environment that facilitates our clients’ business continuity and disaster recovery strategies.

With Connex on the IBM z/OS platform, you have the power of a large-scale EFT processor, for a cost-effective hardware and software investment. The Connex solution enables in-house or third-party authorisation and verification for online and offline debit cards, credit cards and paper and electronic checks.

Connex simplifies the management of complex local, regional, national and global network relationships. And, Connex provides “smart” routing capabilities to ensure that transactions are promptly and readily processed – and that alternative routing is established when primary routes are unavailable.