4 December 2024 09:15 - 19:30 GMT (04:15 EST, 10:15 CET)
The Aon Centre, The Leadenhall Building, 122 Leadenhall Street, London EC3V 4AN, United Kingdom
Join Celent's head of capital markets, Monica Summerville along with speakers from JP Morgan Securities Serivces, Clearstream, Brown Brothers Harriman, Swift, Citi, Archax Capital, Zodia and more as we all explore what asset managers and asset owners need to know about digital asset custody and custodians. This is a full day event, with Monica's session at 1:45pm. The audience includes pension funds and endowments, pension consultants, custody banks, sub-custodian banks, digital asset custodians, asset managers and wealth managers.
Event details
Capital Markets, Wealth Management
Geographic Focus